Friday, February 3, 2012


Many of us walk around with unresolved issues from the past and the present completely unaware of how they are affecting us, our relationships, our work, and even our health. All we know is that we are not happy and things are not as we want or had hoped them to be. The circumstances and pain of life shape us much as a river shapes the banks that contain it. You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to discover wholeness / truth about yourself by overcoming the pain of the past and present. We can assist you in this endeavor through the following modules. We encourage you to take them in order, but it is not necessary. If you see one module that interests you more rather than the one before it you can choose to take that one when it is being offered.
To register for a module please contact us by :
email ( or or by phoning 076 754 3647

Module 1—February 23—March 29 (Every Thursday from 6:00pm — 9:00pm) R600 for the Course Emotional Brokenness
Denial / Powerlessness
Anger & Resentment
Guilt & Shame
Fear & Anxiety

Module 2—April 19th—May 24th (Every Thursday from 6:00pm —9:00pm) R600 for the course What is Sin, Confession, Repentance
Taking Responsibility
Mother Wound
Father Wound
Relationship Between Parents / Relationship with Self

Module 3—June 14th—July 19th (Every Thursday from 6:00pm—9:00pm) R600 for the course Coming Clean True Identity vs. False Identity
Embracing Truth
Conflict Resolution
5 Love Languages

Module 4—I Found Freedom—Aug 16-Sept. 27th (Every Thursday from 6pm-9pm) R700 for the course What is Sin Discernment and Accusing Spirits
Major Strongholds, Bitterness
Self-Bitterness/ Unloving Spirits
Fear / Power & Authority in Christ